United Way of Greater McHenry County emerged 1978 from a reorganized United Way of Crystal Lake. In 1981, it merged with the United Way of Cary Grove-Oakwood Hills.
The reorganization and merger were prompted by the realization that member agencies were serving residents of the entire county and that a single organization could more effectively conduct charitable activities throughout the county.
From 1981 through 1984, our United Way of Greater McHenry County participated in a regional fund-raising and allocation effort with the Chicago-based United Way/Crusade of Mercy and United Way of Suburban Chicago. United Way of Greater McHenry County eventually concluded that its longer-term charitable support needs would be best served by independent status, and it withdrew from the regional organization at the end of 1984.
Since 1984, United Way of Greater McHenry County has concentrated on our residents' health and human service needs. Our United Way is proud to allocate dollars to 31 local nonprofits in support of 50 critical local programs. We also enhance community resiliency by being the go-to agency during times of unexpected crisis, by running the Ride United Last Mile Delivery program for local food pantries, by funding the 211 community resource hotline, and by providing every child in McHenry County from birth to five years old with the opportunity to be signed up to receive a free book in the mail every month from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
As our community continues to grow, the demand for services is greater than ever. We are committed to working with our community partners every day to build a stronger community by mobilizing resources that create positive solutions to the most pressing needs in Greater McHenry County. United is the way!